As the fast-food industry grows worldwide, restricting oneself from delicious food is getting harder. But, this craving for fast food is not the only issue here. Even avoiding fast food and maintaining a diet can cause some weight gain. But how come?
According to, we have found 5 reasons why some of us may be gaining weight unintentionally. Let’s learn:-

1. Eating Too Many Processed Foods
It’s no surprise that a nasty habit has caught us—the habit of eating outside. We often take our friends and family to a restaurant like MacDonald’s, or KFC. Even at home, we order pizza, burgers, and surgery snacks. These are all processed foods that lack nutrients like fiber, protein, etc. They contain much more sugar, preservatives, and unhealthy fats.
A 2019 study of 19,363 Canadian adults who used to eat ultra-processed foods found, that those who are used to processed food are more likely to get overweight than those who didn’t.
According to a different study, eating more calories than we can burn also gives us weight. When we eat fast foods, we tend to eat more calories than we can burn.
To avoid unintentional weight gain, we should get into the habit of eating as little processed food as possible and we should try to eat whole, healthy foods.
2. Consuming Too Much Sugar Causes weight gain
Many of us cannot imagine a day without cokes or other sugary beverages. Most of our day starts with snacks and surgery coffee. Regularly eating sugar like this could lead to weight gain and even cause diabetes for some.
In 2018, a review of 30 studies on 2,42,552 children and adults found that eating sugar is related to weight gain.
Another study was done on 11,218 females. The results show that those who consumed one soda daily gained 2.2 pounds over the next two years.
This is just one soda. Imagine how much sugar we are taking inside our body every day. So, we must minimize our sugar intake to lead a better life.
3. Adapting a Sedentary Lifestyle
A sedentary lifestyle refers to a passive or inactive life. Sitting in a chair for a long time or working at a desk for a long time is considered sedentary. For example, the work of a Blog Writer like me is also viewed as passive. Other examples are programming and gaming for long hours, which are in the same category.
Though it may not seem like a big thing, the effects of these lifestyles can build up long-term problems in the body and cause obesity.
According to, a study of 464 obese people found that most of them lead a sedentary lifestyle. Some even stay at their desks for an average of 6.2 hours a working day. The study also shows that people may become sedentary because of their work and watching television. Engaging in extra screen time has also been linked to weight gain.
However, this practice can easily change if we take action today. Another study found that those who work one hour and stand and move for another hour reduce their total fat mass.
Some steps can be taken: 1. taking a walk after dinner, 2. working on a standing desk, 3. riding bikes to walk, 4. maintaining 1000 steps daily, etc. These can help to reduce the bad effects of our long and unhealthy working lives.
4. The Yo-Yo Dieting
Yo-yo dieting typically refers to irregular dieting that many people are used to. For example, maintaining a diet for a few days and later eating unhealthy snacks is considered a yo-yo diet.
Research shows that this diet can lead to weight gain over time. A major study was done in 2019 on 2,785 people about yo-yo diets. It found out that those who dieted and not anymore have gained more weight than those who did not diet at all in the past.
This shows the issues of restrictive eating. This explains why even diet can increase weight gain.
A 2015 study also found that most people who lose weight through restrictive dieting gain up to two-thirds of their weight within just one year and nearly all of it within five years.
So, a balanced diet is required instead of a restrictive one, which leads to perfect and healthy eating habits.
5. Stressed and Lack of Sleep
Believe it or not, you will likely gain weight over time when stressed about something. How does it happen?
Research shows that people who stress too much tend to eat more, ironically adding weight. Too much stress hormone can increase our hunger and cause overeating issues.
Also, those who lack sleep can gain weight.
Research found that poor sleep is associated with eating more frequently and foods higher in carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, which may lead to weight gain, according to But getting too much sleep is also bad. So, according to experts, a healthy person should sleep 7 hours daily, not more, not less.
6. Try our FeelGreat System to reduce weight gain – meet ‘Unimate’ and ‘Balance’:
Thinking about the overweight of the world, we have developed a feel-great system—a system—based on research on the human diet and hormones.
This system contains our two products ‘Unimate’ and ‘Balance’.
These are pre-meal drink supplements made with plant ingredients. Unimate is made from an extract of a plant called Yerba mate, which helps control blood sugar levels and has coffee-like benefits. It boosts mood and encourages workouts.
At the same time, ‘Balance’ provides essential fiber to our body that is missing in fast foods.
Together these can give the ultimate boost throughout the day.
Try our feel great system from now on and enjoy a healthy body and mind. Thank you.